
I have a history of hard work and passion that has put my name in front of you now. I hope that you will find some eye catching projects, a captivating story and will be able to imagine me as a part of your team.

What I Do

As a trained and knowledgable software engineer I am skilled in the following languages and libraries.

  • React
  • Redux
  • Flask
  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • Sequelize

Who I Am

I am a software engineer with extensive experience in fields that build proficiency in skills such as leadership and diagnostic principles. I spent seven years in the Marine Corps Reserves and the last decade of my work experience has been as a technician, primarily a standby power generation technician. The experience I have gained in those careers has forged my skillset to become a successful SWE to propel the organization and me forward. When I am not working as a developer, I am often times outdoors gardening, taking care of my chickens or in the wild places my home in Montana has to offer.


My Work

These are some projects that I have built and worked on with others. Select a tile and you will find a link to the repo and the site.